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Ranking Title
1. 有附件 (Abridged Version)Cross Reference of Regulations Governing Information to be Published in English Annual Reports CH
2. 有附件 Accounting Treatment Directions for the T+2 Delivery Versus Payment (DVP) Settlement System for the Securities Market CH
3. 有附件 Accounting Treatment of Securities Borrowing and Lending Transactions by Securities Firms CH
4. Application for Accreditation as a Qualified Call (Put) Warrant Issuer CH
5. Audit Content and Disposition Standards for Securities Subscription Operations of Securities Firms CH
6. Contract for the Handling by a Securities Firm of Margin Purchases and Short Sales in Securities Trading CH
7. Contract for the Usage of the Centralized Securities Exchange Market CH
8. Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies CH
9. Corporate Governance Best-Practice Principles for Securities Firms CH
10. 有附件 Criteria for Charging Fees CH
11. Directions Concerning Securities Market Regulatory Matters for TWSE Listed Companies and Their Directors, Supervisors, and Major Shareholders CH
12. Directions for Collateral Management in Fixed-price and Competitive Auction Securities Borrowing and Lending Transactions CH
13. Directions for Internal Control of Agency Services Operated by Securities Firms Engaged by Customers to Invest Their Securities Trading Balances CH
14. Directions for Internal Control of Securities Firms Using Modelling in Management Operations CH
15. 有附件 Directions for Preservation of Trading Data in Trading Through the Internet or Other Electronic Methods CH
16. Directions for Reporting and Handling of Out-Trades and Account Number Corrections by Securities Brokers CH
17. Directions for Securities Firms Engaging Futures Commission Merchants to Operate Securities Introducing Broker Business CH
18. Directions for Securities Listing Review Committee Meeting Agendas CH
19. Directions for Settlement by the Offsetting of Margin Purchases and Short Sales in Margin Trading CH
20. Directions for the Full Implementation of the Book-Entry Transfer System in the Centralized Securities Exchange Market CH
21. Directions for the Handling of Malfunctions in the Quotation System for Liquidity Providers of Call (Put) Warrants CH
22. Directions for the Implementation of Assurance Institutions for the Sustainability Report of TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies CH
23. 有附件 Directions for the Implementation of Continuing Education for Directors and Supervisors of TWSE Listed and TPEx Listed Companies CH
24. Directions for the Internal Control of Securities Borrowing and Lending Transactions by Securities Firms CH
25. Directions for the Provision of Application Programming Interface (API) Service by Securities Firms to Investors CH
26. Establishing Information Security Inspection Mechanisms for Securities Firms CH
27. Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles for TWSE/GTSM Listed Companies CH
28. Exchange Traded Notes Prospectus and Simplified Prospectus Template CH
29. Expert Opinion Issuance Guidelines CH
30. Guide to Regulations Governing Independent Directors CH
31. Guidelines for Handling Defects in Filing of Supervisory Information by Securities Firms CH
32. 有附件 Guidelines for Online Filing of Public Information by Public Companies CH
33. Guidelines for Public Subscription and Private Placement of Securities CH
34. Guidelines for Securities Firms to Allow Investors to Create Trading Conditions on Placing Orders CH
35. Guidelines for the Adoption of Codes of Ethical Conduct for TWSE/GTSM Listed Companies CH
36. Guidelines for the Commission Agency Services of Securities Firms for Investment in the Money Market of Settlement Money Payable to Clients from Securities Transactions Undertaken on Behalf of Clients CH
37. Guidelines for the Work-From-Home Application by Securities Firms in Response to COVID-19 CH
38. Guidelines Governing the Creation of Customer Ledgers of Securities Firms' Settlement Accounts CH
39. Guidelines Governing the Identification of Foreign Investment Holding Companies in Articles 26 and 27 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings CH
40. Important Information Recommended to be Disclosed on the Website of A TWSE/TPEx Listed Company CH
41. Listing Contract for Beneficial Certificates CH
42. Mandate Contract for Public Subscription and Allotment of Securities CH
43. Mandate Contract for the Receipt and Payment of Funds in Margin Trading CH
44. Numerical Standards for and Exceptions to the Irregularity Standards in Article 4 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation's Directions for Announcement or Notice of Attention to Trading Information and Related Dispositions CH
45. Operating Rules for Custody and Investment of Funds by Securities Firms on Behalf of Customers CH
46. Operating Rules for Securities Business Money Lending by Securities Firms CH
47. Operating Rules for Securities Firms Handling Margin Purchases and Short Sales of Securities CH
48. Operating Rules for Securities Firms Handling Non-Restricted Purpose Loan CH
49. 有附件 Operating Rules for Securities Lending by Securities Firms CH
50. 有附件 Operating Rules of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation CH
51. Operation Directions for Agency Services Operated by Securities Firms Engaged by Customers to Invest Their Securities Trading Balances CH
52. 有附件 Operation Directions for Applications by Overseas Chinese, Foreign Nationals, and Mainland Area Investors for Registration to Invest in Domestic Securities or Trade Domestic Futures CH
53. Operation Directions for Electronic Certificate Delivery by Securities Firms and Futures Commission Merchants CH
54. Operation Directions for Inquiries of Customer Data by Employees of Securities Firms CH
55. Operation Directions for Securities Firms or Securities Finance Enterprises Accepting Applications by Customers to Extend the Durations of Individual Margin Purchases and Short Sales CH
56. 有附件 Operation Directions for the Advance Collection of Funds and Securities by Securities Brokers in Brokerage Trading CH
57. 有附件 Operation Directions for the Calculation of the Number of Shares of Margin Buyers for the Purposes of Share Transfers Upon Special Shareholders Meetings CH
58. Operation Directions for the Control of Margin Purchase and Short Sale Limits Relative to the Net Worth of Securities Firms CH
59. Operation Directions for the Implementation Procedures for Article 50-1, Paragraph 6 of the Operating Rules of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation CH
60. Operational Procedures for the Review of Foreign Securities for Listing by the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation CH
61. Operational Regulations Governing Securities Firms Recommending Trades in Securities to Customers CH
62. Operational Rules Governing Day Trades of Securities CH
63. Principles for Assignment of Ticker Symbols in the Republic of China Securities Markets CH
64. Principles for Review and Approval of Institution in Continuing Education System under Directions for the Implementation of Continuing Education for Directors and Supervisors of TWSE Listed and TPEx Listed Companies CH
65. Procedures and Timeframes for Handling Events Under Article 50 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation CH
66. Procedures for Application of Insider of Listed Company for Transfer of Shares Deposited in Segregated Collective Investment Account for Foreign/PRC National Employees CH
67. Procedures for Review of Listing of Exchange Traded Notes CH
68. 有附件 Real-Time Stock Price Index Information & Delayed Information Supplemental Provisions for Broadcasting Transmitting CH
69. Regulations Governing Insiders of Securities Firms Opening Accounts at Their Securities Firms for Securities Brokerage Trading CH
70. Regulations Governing Performance Bonds for Securities Borrowing and Lending by Securities Firms and Securities Finance Enterprises CH
71. Regulations Governing Securities Firms Trading in Securities on a Fixed-Term, Fixed-Amount Basis CH
72. Regulations Governing The Use Of Trading Information CH
73. Risk Disclosure Statement and General Authorization Agreement for Day Trades of Securities CH
74. Risk Disclosure Statement for Beneficial Certificates of Leveraged and Inverse Exchange Traded Funds CH
75. Risk Disclosure Statement for Listingand Over-the-Counter ListingofSecurities (Including Depository Receipts) by Foreign Enterprises in Taiwan CH
76. Risk Disclosure Statement for Trading and Subscription and Buyback of Exchange Traded Fund Beneficial Certificates CH
77. Risk Disclosure Statement for Trading in and Subscription and Sellback of Exchange Traded Notes CH
78. Risk Management Best-Practice Principles for Taiwan Stock Exchange and Taipei Exchange listed Companies CH
79. 有附件 Rules Governing Exchanges of Negative Credit Data on Credit Extension Businesses by Financial Institutions through Joint Credit Information Center and Securities Firms through Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation CH
80. Rules Governing Rating of Issuers of Call (Put) Warrants CH
81. Rules Governing the Particulars to be Recorded in the Contract for Recommendations by Securities Firms to Customers for Securities Trading CH
82. Sample Deposit Agreement for Taiwan Depositary Receipts CH
83. Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd. Audit Committee Charter CH
84. Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd. Procedures for Election of Directors CH
85. Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd. Procedures for Ethical Management and Guidelines for Conduct CH
86. Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd. Procedures for Handling Material Inside Information CH
87. Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd. Remuneration Committee Charter CH
88. Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd. Rules Governing Financial and Business Matters Between this Corporation and its Related Parties CH
89. Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd. Rules Governing the Exercise of Rights and Participation in Resolutions by Juristic Person Shareholders With Controlling Power CH
90. Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd. Rules Governing the Scope of Powers of Independent Directors CH
91. Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd. Rules Governing the Scope of Powers of Supervisors CH
92. Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd. Rules of Procedure for Board of Directors Meetings CH
93. Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd. Rules of Procedure for Shareholders Meetings CH
94. 有附件 Sample Template of "Rules for Performance Evaluation of Board of Directors" CH
95. Sample Template of XXX Co., Ltd. Charter of Nominating Committee CH
96. Securities Broker's Application for Direct Market Access Services CH
97. 有附件 Simplified Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd Annual Report CH
98. Special Risk Disclosure Statement for Trading and Subscription and Buyback of Exchange-Traded Funds Beneficiary Certificates CH
99. 有附件 Standard Directions for the Content and Procedures of Assessment of Legal Compliance of Securities Firms CH
100. Standard Operation Procedure and Directions for Control of "Internal Decision-making Process of Shareholders Meetings Attended by Securities Firms Holing the Companies' Shares and Appointment of Persons to Exercise the Voting Right" CH
101. 有附件 Stewardship Principles for Institutional Investors CH
102. Supplementary Provisions to Article 28-1, Paragraph 2 of the Operating Rules of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation CH
103. Supplementary Provisions to the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules for Review of Securities Listings CH
104. Sustainable Development Best Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies CH
105. Table of Mandatory Preservation Periods for Accounts, Statements, Vouchers, and Certificates of Securities Firms CH
106. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation "Guidelines for Presentations, Evaluations and Explanations Given by Companies Applying for Initial Stock Listing and Relevant Staff at the Securities Listing Review Committee" CH
107. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation "Securities Listing Review Committee Charter" CH
108. 有附件 Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation ("TWSE") Procedures for the Review of Internal Control System Reports Issued by Certified Public Accountants CH
109. 有附件 Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation (the "TWSE") Procedures for Inquiries Regarding Account Opening and Trading Data of Employees of Securities Investment Trust/Consulting Enterprises and Their Spouses and Minor Children CH
110. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation (TWSE) Operation Directions for Direct Market Access by Securities Brokers CH
111. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation (TWSE) Regulations Governing Index Licensing for the Issuance of Exchange-Traded Funds (ETF) CH
112. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Articles of Incorporation CH
113. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Assessment and Auditing Procedures for Securities Underwriter Handling Initial Listing Applications CH
114. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Co-Location Service Management Regulations CH
115. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Contract for Computer Connection to the Centralized Securities Exchange Market CH
116. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Contract for the Listing of Foreign Stock CH
117. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Contract for the Listing of Stock CH
118. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Contract for the Listing of Taiwan Depositary Receipts CH
119. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Contract for the Supply and Use of Trading Information (For Information Providers Only)
120. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Contract for the Supply and Use of Trading Information (For Securities Firms Only) CH
121. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Contract for the Use of Trading Information CH
122. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Determination Standards and Handling Procedures for the Avoidance or Refusal of Examinations by Securities Firms CH
123. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Directions for Announcement or Notice of Attention to Trading Information and Dispositions CH
124. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Directions for Auditing Internal Control Systems of Listed Companies CH
125. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Directions for Handling the Trading and Exercise of Call (Put) Warrants During Natural Disasters, Election and Recall of Public Officials, or National Holidays CH
126. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Directions for Lead Securities Underwriters Mandated to Assist Principals in Complying with ROC Laws and Regulations and the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Related to TWSE Listing CH
127. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Directions for Securities Firms Handling Changes to Trading Category CH
128. 有附件 Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Directions for the Calculation of Net Available Funds CH
129. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Directions for the Handling of Computer Malfunctions, Public Announcement of Hot Stocks, and Order Congestion CH
130. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Directions for the Installation by Securities Firms of Automatic Service Equipment Outside of Their Place of Business CH
131. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Directions for the Particulars to be Disclosed in Pro Forma Financial Statements Prepared by a Transferee Company of a Demerger in an Application for TWSE Listing CH
132. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Directions for the Particulars to be Recorded in Risk Disclosure Statements for Call (Put) Warrants CH
133. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Directions for the Particulars to be Recorded in Risk Disclosure Statements for Securities with Warrants CH
134. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Directions For the Recognition of the Qualifications of Issuers of Exchange-Traded Funds and Underlying Indexes CH
135. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Directions for the Review of Listing of Beneficiary Securities and Asset-Backed Securities CH
136. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Directions for the Sublease of Business Premises Leased and Rented by Idle Assets of a Securities Firm CH
137. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Directions for the Trading of Treasury Bills CH
138. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Directions for the Use of Digital Signatures by Securities Firms CH
139. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Directions for Verification and Disclosure of Material Information of Trustee Institutions and Special Purpose Companies CH
140. 有附件 Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Directions Governing the Particulars to be Recorded in the Securities Underwriter's Assessment Report CH
141. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Enforcement Guidelines Governing Pre-Listing Performance Presentations for Initial Securities Listing CH
142. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Equity Examination Table for Margin Purchases and Short Sales for a TPEx Listed Company Applying to Convert into a TWSE Listed Company CH
143. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Exchange Traded Notes Public Listing Contract CH
144. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Guidelines for Creation and Redemption of Beneficial Certificates CH
145. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Guidelines for Reporting by Securities Brokers of Brokerage Sale of Securities Not Owned by the Principal CH
146. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Guidelines for Securities Brokers in Reporting Failed Trades and Defaults by Principals CH
147. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Guidelines for the Exercise of Call (Put) Warrants CH
148. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Guidelines Governing Presentations Given by Companies Applying for Initial Stock Listing at the Securities Listing Review Committee CH
149. 有附件 Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Guidelines Governing the Electronic Filing of Financial Statements by Securities Firms CH
150. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Guidelines Governing the Particulars to be Recorded in a Public Offering Prospectus for Call (Put) Warrants CH
151. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Guidelines Governing the Selection and Appointment of External Reviewers of the Securities Listing Review Committee CH
152. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Key Points for Classifying and Adjusting Categories of Industries of Listed Companies CH
153. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Listing Contract for Beneficiary Securities or Asset-Backed Securities CH
154. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Listing Contract for Call (Put) Warrants CH
155. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Listing Contract for Company Warrants of Securities with Detachable Warrants CH
156. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Listing Contract for Offshore Exchange-Traded Funds CH
157. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Listing Contract for REIT Beneficiary Securities or REAT Beneficiary Securities CH
158. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Market Maker and Exchange Incentive Program Participant Regulations CH
159. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Matters for Joint Compliance by Securities Listing Review Committee Members CH
160. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Measures for Handling Malfunctions or Telecommunication Disruptions in Trading Systems or Trading Transmission Systems CH
161. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Measures for Responding to Natural Disasters CH
162. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Offer and Undertaking for the Application for Computer Connection to the Centralized Securities Exchange Market CH
163. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Operating Directions for Subscription and Sellback of Exchange Traded Notes CH
164. 有附件 Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Operating Procedures Governing the Split and Reverse Split of Exchange Traded Funds Beneficial Certificates CH
165. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Operating Rules on the Use of Domestic Securities by Overseas Chinese and Foreign Nationals as Collaterals for Offshore Investment Activities CH
166. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Operation Directions for Compliance withthe Establishment of Board of Directors by TWSE Listed Companies and the Board's Exercise of Powers CH
167. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Operation Directions for the Allocation of Limits for Margin Purchases and Short Sales and for Sales of Borrowed Securities Permitted for Securities Trading CH
168. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Operation Directions for the Subscription and Allotment of Book-Entry Central Government Bonds CH
169. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Operation Directions Governing Liquidity Providers of Call (Put) Warrants CH
170. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Operation Directions Governing Liquidity Providers of Exchange Traded Notes CH
171. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Operation Guidelines Governing Liquidity Providers of Beneficial Certificates CH
172. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Operation Procedures for Appeals Filed by Employees of Securities Firms in Disposition Cases CH
173. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Operational Guidelines for Follow-up, Assessment, and Guidance in Regard to Securities Firm Audit Deficiencies CH
174. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Operational Guidelines for Omnibus Trading Accounts CH
175. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Operational Rules for Audits of Securities Firms CH
176. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Principles for Handling Information Disclosure on the Key Financials and Transactional Information Section of the Market Observation Post System (MOPS) CH
177. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Principles for Handling Information Disclosure on the Taiwan Depositary Receipt Key Financials Section of the Market Observation Post System (MOPS) CH
178. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Principles for Time and Agenda Arrangements for Meetings of the Review Committee Concerning Companies' Initial Stock Listing Applications CH
179. 有附件 Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Requesting Decedents’ Account or Transaction Information at the Centralized Securities Exchange Market CH
180. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Accessing Working Paper of Securities Firm’s Financial Statements Audited and Certified by Certified Public Accountant CH
181. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Applications by TWSE Listed Companies for the Delisting of Securities CH
182. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Handling Default on Settlement Obligations by Securities Firms CH
183. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Handling Emergencies at Branch Units of Foreign Securities Firms CH
184. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Handling the Registration of Offering and Issuance of Securities by Domestic and Foreign Issuers CH
185. 有附件 Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Investors to Request Account or Transaction Information at the Centralized Securities Exchange Market CH
186. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Merger or Assignment of Operations of Securities Firms CH
187. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Press Conferences Concerning Material Information of Listed Companies CH
188. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Review of Call (Put) Warrant Listings CH
189. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Review of Financial Reports of Listed Companies CH
190. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Review of Securities Listings CH
191. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Review of the Listing of REIT and REAT Beneficial Securities CH
192. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Routine Regulation and Regulation by Exception Over Financial and Business Affairs of Listed Companies CH
193. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for the Exchange of Securities Certificates by TWSE Listed Companies CH
194. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for the Review of Annual Reports of Listed Companies CH
195. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for the Review of Financial Reports of TWSE Secondary Listed Companies Receipts CH
196. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for the Review of Issuance of Overseas Depositary Receipts in a Foreign Over-the-Counter Market CH
197. 有附件 Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Verification and Disclosure of Material Information of Companies with Listed Securities CH
198. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Verification and Disclosure of Material Information of Issuers of Call (Put) Warrants CH
199. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Verification and Disclosure of Material Information of Listed Exchange Traded Notes by Securities Firms CH
200. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Verification and Disclosure of Material Information of Real Estate Securitization Trustee Institutions CH
201. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Verification and Disclosure of Material Information of Trust Enterprises with TWSE Listed Beneficial Certificates and Offshore Fund Institutions CH
202. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures To Be Taken in Connection with Margin Purchase or Short Sale in the Event of the Suspension or Halting of Trading CH
203. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rate Table for Securities Listing Fees CH
204. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Regulations for Handling Deficiencies in Evaluation Reports or Other Related Information Submitted by a Securities Underwriter CH
205. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Regulations Governing After-Hours Fixed-Price Trading CH
206. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Regulations Governing Alteration of Trading Method and Suspension of Trading of Listed Securities CH
207. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Regulations Governing Applications by Securities Firms for Resumption of Business after Suspension CH
208. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Regulations Governing Brokerage Contracts of Securities Brokers CH
209. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Regulations Governing Contracts for the Listing of Foreign Stocks CH
210. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Regulations Governing Odd-lot Trading of Listed Securities CH
211. 有附件 Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Regulations Governing the Handling of Errors by Certified Public Accountants in Auditing of Initial Applications for Market Listing CH
212. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Regulations Governing Trading of Depositary Receipts CH
213. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Regulations Governing Trading of Foreign Stocks CH
214. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Response Measures for Election Days CH
215. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Review and Assessment Standards for Internal Control and Internal Audits of Applications by Securities Firms for Conducting Specific Business Operations CH
216. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Risk Disclosure Statement for Securities with Warrants CH
217. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Risk Disclosure Statement for the Trading and Creation / Redemption of Exchange-Traded Futures Trust Fund Beneficial Certificates CH
218. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules for Administration of Additional Deposits by Securities Firms to the Clearing and Settlement Fund CH
219. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules for Administration of the Clearing and Settlement Fund of Securities Firms CH
220. 有附件 Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules for Administration of the Joint Responsibility System Clearing and Settlement Fund CH
221. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules for Regulating TWSE Primary Listed Companies and Taiwan Innovation Board Primary Listed Companies After Listing CH
222. 有附件 Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules for Solicitation of Opinions in Reviews of Initial Applications for TWSE Listing by Public Companies CH
223. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules for Suspension or Termination, and Application for Resumption, of Securities Firm Operations CH
224. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules for Temporary Custody of Securities and Funds for Central Settlement CH
225. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules for the Trading of Book-Entry Central Government Bonds CH
226. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Auction of Listed Securities by Consignment CH
227. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Awards for Reporting on Unlawful Activities on the Securities Market CH
228. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Block Trading of Listed Securities CH
229. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Call (Put) Warrant Listing Contracts CH
230. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Contracts for the Listing of Taiwan Depositary Receipts CH
231. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Early Warnings for Overall Operational Risk of Securities Firms CH
232. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Implementation of the Stock Market Surveillance System CH
233. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Information Filing by Companies with TWSE Listed Securities and Offshore Fund Institutions with TWSE Listed Offshore Exchange-Traded Funds CH
234. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Listing Contracts for Securities CH
235. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Purchase of Listed Securities by Reverse Auction CH
236. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Review of Call (Put) Warrant Listings CH
237. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Review of Listing of Exchange Traded Notes CH
238. 有附件 Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings CH
239. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Stabilization of Trades of Listed Securities CH
240. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Targeted Examinations of and Guidance to Securities Firms CH
241. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing the Collection of Securities Listing Application Review Fees CH
242. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing the Electronic Filing of Capital Adequacy Ratio Financial Statement by Securities Firms CH
243. 有附件 Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing the Operation of the Joint Credit Information System CH
244. 有附件 Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing the Particulars to be Recorded in Prospectuses for Initial Securities Listing Applications CH
245. 有附件 Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing the Preparation and Filing of Sustainability Reports by TWSE Listed Companies CH
246. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing the Repurchase of Taiwan Depositary Receipts by Secondary Listed Companies CH
247. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing the Targeted Examination and Handling of Defaults on Settlement Obligations by Securities Firms CH
248. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing the Trading of Certificates of Entitlement to New Shares and Certificates of Payment for Shares CH
249. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing the Trading of Convertible Corporate Bonds and Bond Conversion Entitlement Certificates CH
250. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing the Trading of Corporate Bonds CH
251. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing the Trading of Foreign Bonds CH
252. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing the Trading of Securities with Warrants CH
253. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Trading of Beneficial Certificates CH
254. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Trading of Call (Put) Warrants CH
255. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Trading of Exchange Traded Notes CH
256. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Trading of Securities in the Altered-Trading-Method Category CH
257. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Sample Risk Disclosure Statement for Call (Put) Warrants CH
258. 有附件 Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Securities Borrowing and Lending Rules CH
259. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Securities Brokerage Trading Checkpoint Control Items Required for Trading Servers Used by Securities Firms for Trading Through the Internet or Other Electronic Methods CH
260. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Specific Standards and Procedures for Determining Eligibility of Securities for Margin Purchase and Short Sale Transactions CH
261. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Specific Standards and Procedures for Halting and Reinstating Margin Purchase and Short Sale of Securities, and for Adjusting Margin Purchase Leverage Limits and Short Sale Margin Requirements CH
262. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Standards for Determination under Paragraph 4, Article 15 of the Regulations Governing The Use Of Trading Information CH
263. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Standards for Determining Changes in Managerial Control and Material Changes in the Scope of Business of Listed Companies CH
264. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Standards for Determining Whether a TWSE Listed Company Shall Publish Complete Financial Forecasts CH
265. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Standards for Determining Whether User Applicants or Data Subscribers Are Evading or Refusing Inspection Visits, and Rules Governing Emergency Response Measures CH
266. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Standards for Granting of Transaction Charge Discounts and Financial Incentives to Beneficiary Certificate Liquidity Providers CH
267. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Standards Governing Principal Identification and Management of Credit Line Categorization in the Processing by Securities Firms of Account Opening CH
268. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Standards Governing the Places of Business and Facilities of Securities Firms and Securities Introducing Brokers CH
269. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Standards of Incentives and Transaction Charge Discounts to Taiwan Innovation Board Market Makers CH
270. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Standards of Transaction Charge Discounts to Market Makers and Exchange Incentive Program Participants CH
271. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Taiwan Innovation Board Market Maker Regulations CH
272. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Undertaking for Centralized Custody of Stock CH
273. 有附件 Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation's (the "TWSE") Rules Governing the Reporting of Basic Information of Advisory Client Companies by Securities Underwriters CH
274. 有附件 Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporations Directions for Securities Brokers Preparing Trading Order Records Using the Internet or Other Electronic Means of Trading CH
275. Taiwan Stock Exchange Registration Form for Press Conferences Regarding Material Information of Companies CH
276. Template of Articles of Association of Special Committee on Mergers and Acquisitions for Companies Limited by Shares CH
277. Terms for Establishment of Margin Accounts With Securities Firms for Margin and Stock Loans CH
278. The TAIEX Methodology CH
279. XXX Co., Ltd. Self-Regulatory Rules on Disclosure of Merger and Acquisition Information, Template Version CH